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7 Hair Masks recipes Natural Hair Treatments | Hair Fall, Hair Growth, Dandruff & Frizzy Hair


7 Hair Masks recipes Natural Hair Treatments | Hair Fall, Hair Growth, Dandruff

7 Hair Masks recipes Natural Hair Treatments | Hair Fall, Hair Growth, Dandruff & Frizzy Hair

Easy Hair DIY Hair treatment recipes

1.       Yogurt Hair Mask
2.      Hair fall control Hair Mask
3.      To treat hair fall from dry and damaged hair loss
4.     Banana Hair Pack
5.      Flake free Mask
6.     Onion juice Hair Mask
7.     Aloe Vera Hair Mask
8.     Hair Mask for colored and frizzy hair

1. Yogurt Hair Mask

You'll need:

  • ·       3 tbsp. of fresh yogurt
  • ·       2 tbsp. of fresh honey


Take a handful of fenugreek seeds and blend them in order to powder. Now take a bowl, add 3 tbsp. yogurt, 2tbsp of honey and some remedy some freshly powdered fenugreek seeds to make a paste. Mix them well and apply it onto your scalp as well as hair. Rinse it off using lukewarm water and a mild conditioner. Use it twice in a week for best results. Fenugreek contains high level of proteins which helps in preventing hair loss as well as dandruff. Yogurt contains lactic acid which cleanse the scalp and removes dead skin cell from the clogged pore which causes hair fall. 2 tbsp. of fresh honey and handful of dry fenugreek seeds.


2. Hair fall control Hair Mask

You'll need:

  • ·       amla powder
  • ·       shikakakai
  • ·       yogurt
  • ·       methi powder
  • ·       Lemon juice


In a clean bowl take 2 tbsp. of amla powder, 1 tbsp. of shikakai powder and add water to make a paste. Cover it and let it soak overnight. In the morning mix 1 tbsp. of methi powder along with the juice from one lemon and 2 tbsp. of Yogurt to make a smooth paste.  Apply this hair pack and then wash after an hour. Do this regularly and you will not only see your hair fall reduce, but your hair will look stronger, thicker and healthier.


3. To treat hair fall from dry and damaged hair loss

You'll need:

  • ·       ¼ cup of mayonnaise
  • ·       1 tbsp. of honey
  • ·       1tbsp of ACV
  • ·       1 egg


Take a clean bowl add 1 egg into it, use the fork and whip it in order to make a runny concoction. To this add 1/4th cup of mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. of honey and 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar in it. Mix  all the ingredients really well to make a paste of it. Apply this on to your hair as well as scalp and cover it up with a shower. Leave it on for 45 minutes and rinse it off using cool water. Shampoo well. Use this mask once in a week. Egg and mayonnaise contains protein which helps in moisturizer the scalp and treating the dry scalp. Apple cider vinegar kills the bacteria that causes dryness and flakiness on the scalp. 

4. 4.Banana Hair Pack

You'll need:

·       2 Banana

·       1 tbsp. Coconut oil

·       Coconut milk    


To extract coconut milk, take grated coconut in a mixer along with little amount of water. Grind coarsely and take it in a strainer, press with a spoon to extract the thick coconut milk. In a bowl take half ripe banana, 1 tbsp. Coconut oil and Coconut milk. Mix all the ingredients. Apply this pack on hair. Leave it on for 15 minutes and use once a week. Then wash it off after 15 minutes. Bananas are rich in potassium and vitamins that will help soften, strengthen, nourish and add moisture to our hair and scalp. Coconut oil is for our hair. From conditioning our hair to promoting hair growth coconut oil does wonders to our hair. Coconut milk is super nourishing and hydrating.


5. Flake free Mask

You'll need:

  • ·       Black paper
  • ·       Olive Oil


Crush 4 tbsp. black paper and mix it with 4 tbsp. of olive oil. That will help bring back the gloss to the hair. Apply this mask on your scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes. It is rich in vitamin A & C, flavonoids as well as Carotenoids and other antioxidants which helps in hair growth and also fight off dandruff. If you have a flaky scalp with dull hair, give it a thorough detox with this easy and quickly DIY. What you will be left with is shiny, dandruff free healthy roots and scalp.


6. Onion juice Hair Mask

You'll need:

  • ·       onion juice
  • ·       curry leaves
  • ·       coconut oil


Take onion juice blend it with 10 curry leaves. Once done add 2 tbsp. of coconut oil to this. Apply this all throughout your scalp. Keep it for 20 minutes. Do this every week hair loss will become a thing of the past? The sulphur contained in onion helps the production of collagen and the nutrition’s help strengthen the tresses all the while adding shine. Curry leaves are miracle ingredients to stop hair loss. Curry leaves are high in antioxidants, beta-carotene and proteins which remove dead hair follicles and moisturize the scalp.

7. Aloe Vera Hair Mask

You'll need:

  • ·       Aloe Vera
  • ·       Fenugreek powder
  • ·       Castor oil


In a clean bowl take ¼ cup aloe Vera gel, 2 tsp. fenugreek powder and 2 tbsp. castor oil. Blend all these ingredients together and hair pack is ready. You can even mix some mashed bananas. Apply this on your dry hair. Keep it on for an hour and a half. Then wash it off with a mild shampoo. Aloe Vera recipe repair the scalp. It contains enzyme that repair the dead cells on your scalp and promote hair growth.

8. Hair Mask for colored and frizzy hair

You'll need:

  • ·       Avocado
  • ·       Olive oil
  • ·       honey


In a bowl take one rip mashed avocado with 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. honey. For oily scalp apply the mixture one inch from the roots and for dry and flaky scalp. Apply the mixture to the roots as well. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes then rinse it off. Avocado are rich in antioxidants, essential fatty acids and vitamin A and E. The olive oil in the mask add moisture to the hair. Honey will add luster and make the hair stronger. Healthy, shiny and manageable hair.


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